Who We Are
The All Ireland Social Prescribing Network is a network of people connected by a shared belief in the potential of Social Prescribing as a force for good.
Listen to the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast is all about social prescribing. Learn that this holistic approach to care considers the whole person and can have a range of positive outcomes, including improvements in mental wellbeing, physical health and health.
Listen to Orla Walsh, Project Manager, Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme, HSE Health and Eithne Foley, North Cork Social Prescribing Link Worker, describe Social Prescribing and its impact.
Our Ambition
Our ambition is for the Island of Ireland to be recognised as a world leader in Social Prescribing. This means:
There is a strong body of evidence in Ireland (North and South) to support the impact of Social Prescribing
There is a sustainable, mainstreamed funding model for Social Prescribing across the island of Ireland
The All Island Network is active, growing and adding value to Social Prescribing across Ireland

Social Prescribing projects across Ireland are supported to deliver quality services and achieve positive outcomes
We believe Social Prescribing reduces health inequalities and
improves wellbeing by targeting the social determinants of health.
We aim to champion Social Prescribing so that it is valued, understood and sustained across Ireland.
An agreed set of principles underpins everything we do as a network; these are:
maintain an all-island approach
to be informed by our subscribers
work in collaboration across sectors
uphold an effective governance and transparency policy
focus on inequality and social determinants which affect positive health and wellbeing
be open to new ideas, models and approaches
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Watch this animation video created by one of our network member organisations, SPRING Social Prescribing, to learn how Social Prescribing works.