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Is Social Prescribing the same as Active Signposting?

Social Prescribing and Active Signposting are two approaches used in healthcare to guide individuals towards appropriate services and support, but they differ in their scope and methodology.


Social Prescribing involves a professional Social Prescribing Link Worker working with a service user to address their social, emotional, or practical needs. This approach aims to improve overall well-being by connecting individuals with resources that promote a holistic sense of health.


On the other hand, Active Signposting is a more immediate and directive practice where staff, often at the reception level, provide information and guidance about the most appropriate services or resources based on their needs. This could involve directing someone to a specific clinic, providing contact details for support organisations, or offering self-help resources. While both methods aim to enhance patient care by leveraging community resources, Social Prescribing involves a more comprehensive and ongoing support mechanism. In contrast, Active Signposting is about providing quick, effective guidance to the right services.​​

What type of activities are people referred to as part of Social Prescribing?


Through social prescribing, individuals are referred to a diverse range of non-clinical activities that support their overall well-being, such as exercise classes, arts and creative workshops, educational courses, social groups, volunteering opportunities, health programs, and outdoor activities. These referrals are guided and supported by a dedicated Social Prescribing Link Worker, who works closely with individuals to understand their unique needs and interests. The link worker helps to connect service users with suitable community services and activities, ensuring they have the necessary support to engage and benefit fully from the experience.  This personalised approach not only enhances physical and mental health but also fosters social connections and a sense of belonging, ultimately contributing to a more holistic sense of well-being.

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