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What a difference a tea makes . . .

“Mindfulness In Everyday Life” has been available to clients who avail of the North Cork Social Prescribing Service on a regular basis for many years. This autumn, hosted by mindfulness Tutor Wendi Griffin of Griffingold Yoga, the group has meet weekly for 10 weeks, with men and women included and an age range from 20s to 80s.

This autumn for the first time, in collaboration with the Le Chéile Family Resource Centre, clients were offered tea and coffee after the group to chat and socialise. This has made a phenomenal difference with a relaxed atmosphere cultivated. Clients began to swap phone numbers, arranging to meet up and socialising generally.

Members of the group have reported many different benefits, emphasising the relaxing nature of the activity which has permeated into their daily lives, empowering them to identify moments for introducing mindfulness independently. Beyond the mindfulness aspect, clients have expressed gratitude for the social outings, noting the positive impact of mixing with others. The structured nature of the weekly gatherings also provides participants with a valuable sense of routine and purpose.

As the group embraced mindfulness practice and forged meaningful connections over a cup of tea, the initiative stands as a testament to the improved mental wellbeing and social connections that are possible as a result of social prescribing.

By Eithne Foley, North Cork Social Prescribing Service,

Le Chéile Family Resource Centre, Mallow, Co. Cork, P51 F344.

Phone: 087 7193257

Facebook: NorthCorkSocialPrescribing

Twitter: efoleymallow

LinkedIn: Eithne Foley

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